Lab 0: ReadMe and Intro to Crime Analysis Course

By Andrew Wheeler,


These are my tutorials for my crime analysis course. They are mostly in Excel, although a few show how to use SQL in Access, and one shows how to make BOLOs in Publisher. Materials are all posted online to run through the tutorials. If links don’t work, send me an email ( Feel free to use as you wish (if an instructor feel free to email for example final product I used for class).

You can see the full labs here a bit easier on GitHub, along with a syllabus I used when I delivered the course at UTD. If you would like a copy of the reading (or if any of my links to materials does not work anymore), please don’t hesitate to send me an email.

For a rough outline of the weeks:

For Lab 12 I had students do their own analysis of the Texas Deaths in Custody dataset. I have a prepared Excel file here, which also includes offender counts in each facility.


This is my list of things I want to incorporate into the future.

If you have other suggestions always feel free!

Also check out my intro to crime mapping course tutorials, mostly using ArcGIS, some R and GeoDa, as well.